Mountain Laurel: A Stunning Native Plant

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Mountain Laurel: A Stunning Native Plant

2024-06-29 08:30| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

In this article, we’ll focus on ‘Kalmia’

The Mountain Laurel (genus = ‘Kalmia’) has lots of different native varieties and cultivars within it. A Kalmia Mountain Laurel covers itself in constellations of flowers in the late spring. After the flower display is over, its evergreen glossy leaves look great year-round.

Mountain Laurels are a perfect shrub to plant in highly visible areas—they look great all the time. If you live in the Northeast, Midwest, or Mid-Atlantic, plant a few Mountain Laurels when you can.

Since we’re talking about names, you may also be wondering…

What’s the difference between Mountain Laurels, Azaleas, and Rhododendrons?

All three of these shrubs get confused for good reason—they have a lot of similarities. We have a guide to all three aptly called Azaleas vs Mountain Laurels vs. Rhododendrons—what’s the difference? for learning more.

And now, let’s go on to meeting some native Mountain Laurels…




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